The Board of County Commissioners of DeSoto County, Florida, will hold a Public Hearing on
August 15, 2023 at 6:30 pm,
in the Administration Building, Room 103, 201 East Oak Street, Arcadia, Florida, to consider a rate increase for CURBSIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION.
This purpose is to provide residential household garbage collection to the benefiting property located within DeSoto County.
The total annual CURBSIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION assessment is based on the classification of each parcel of property and the number of billing units on that property.
The current CURBSIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION assessment is $211.17 per year per the number of RESIDENTIAL DWELLING units. The County Commission will consider a rate increase of up to $38.91 for a new rate of $250.08 per unit, per year, for the 2023-2024 year, and after that an annual adjustment for inflation based on an industry-specific Consumer Price Index not to exceed 6% per year on the hauling portion of the rate until a maximum assessment amount of $304.70 per year per residential dwelling unit.