The Department of Children and Families in coordination with the Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County will hold a SNAP-Ed Community Awareness Fair at the Turner Center on September 17, 2022.
This is part of a series of SNAP-Ed Community Awareness Fairs that DCF and DOH will host throughout Florida in August and September. The fairs will be an opportunity for the community to learn about the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Education program and healthy living through live demonstrations and educational workshops. The Hope Florida – A Pathway to Prosperity Program will have Hope Navigators on site to provide additional support to attendees. Other community partners will be present as well.
Events include:
Live cooking demonstrations with samples and recipe cards to take home.
Interactive sports stations
Fruit and vegetable stands
Nutrition education stations
Games and activities for children
SNAP-Ed is a federally funded nutritional education program implemented by DCF, DOH, and the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences that focuses on good nutrition, stretching food dollars, living physically active lifestyles, and engaging partners to build healthier communities. This helps to ensure the healthy choice is the easiest choice to make where people live, work, shop, play, eat and learn.