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City of Venice Open Data Hub is live


The Open Data Hub for the City of Venice is now live!

The Discover Venice Florida – Open Data Hub is a public accessible website for City GIS personnel and their departments to share data, maps and documents. On this site, there are Categories for each of the departments to share data and maps, Map Apps for you to use online with your browser on a computer or your mobile device, and Feature Services where you can download or link to our data with an API (Application Program Interface) to add to your own maps. In addition, there are map documents you can view or download to your device, and print as well.

Please note, we will be adding and updating the site and its content periodically, so keep checking back with us.

The site URL is A link can also be found on the City of Venice website,, under “I Want To” at the top of the homepage, as well as under Government/Information Technology.