Still have Yard Debris from Hurricane Ian? DeSoto County is NO longer picking up yard debris, but Womack Sanitation will. Read the details below for regular yard debris pick-up.

When is it picked up?
Yard Debris is picked up by Womack Sanitation once a month on a Wednesday.

If your garbage days are Monday/Thursday, then your yard debris day will be the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

If your garbage days are Tuesday/Friday, then your yard debris day will be the 1st Wednesday of the month.
Special Instructions for Yard Debris PICK-UP by Womack Sanitation:

Yard debris must be bundled in 4-foot lengths with a 40lb. per bundle limit, or canned. Each household is allowed 2 bundles or cans per month.

The diameter of limbs may be NO more than 4 inches.

Yard trash can only be vegetative matter resulting from normal yard and landscaping maintenance and shall include materials such as tree and shrub trimmings, grass clippings, palm fronds or small tree branches that shall not exceed four feet in length and four inches in diameter.

Yard debris should be bundled or placed in Garbage Receptacles. No bundle or filled container shall exceed forty (40) pounds in weight each.

Yard debris generated by paid/commercial landscaping or yard maintenance services is NOT ALLOWED.