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Florida Statewide Alligator Hunt Starts Today


If you live in Florida and you have interest in hunting Alligators, Floridians will have the opportunity to legally hunt alligators. y August 15th 2022 is the official start of Florida’s statewide alligator hunting season.

New Rules for Statewide Alligator Hunt

Starting this year, alligator hunting hours have increased to 24 hours a day on most areas.

  • Hunting hours begin at midnight on the first day of each harvest period and end at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of each harvest period.
  • However, hunting hours at the STAs and A1-FEB are 5 p.m. to 10 a.m. each day during the harvest period
    except as otherwise provided in the harvest permit.

Another change for 2022 is the addition of pre-charged pneumatic air guns firing an arrow (airbows) as a new method of take. Projectiles fired from airbows must be attached to restraining lines.

For more information and hunting map visit: