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Tax Holiday Just In Time For Idalia

TAX HOLIDAYWith the impending storm now is the time to take advantage of Florida’s second 2023 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday is in full swing. The two-week holiday period began Saturday, August 26, and will continue through Friday, September 8. As hurricane season kicks in,... Read More.

Tax Refund Possible Due To Hurricane Damages

WAS YOUR RESIDENCE UNINHABITABLE FROM HURRICANE IAN OR HURRICANE NICOLE? You can apply for a tax refund for 2022, if your residence was deemed uninhabitable for at least 30 days or more. DEADLINE: APRIL 3, 2023 Individuals applying should bring the following documents for proof of uninhabitability: Utility Bill Building... Read More.

Florida Announces Five Sales Tax Holidays Beginning July 1, 2022

Tallahassee, Fla. - Consumers can purchase qualifying items exempt from tax during five sales tax holidays and exemption periods that begin on Friday, July 1, 2022. The exemptions apply to both in-store and online purchases."With rising inflation affecting the cost of everything from daily necessities... Read More.