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DeSoto County Recognizes “ DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MONTH”

DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA PROCLAMATIONWHEREAS, domestic violence is a serious crime that affects people of all ages, income levels, and anger, but most often women and children; and once started, the campaign of physical, psychological, economic and domestic violence only gets worse, resulting in a... Read More.

October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

From the desk of Sheriff Bill Prummell-October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence is a serious issue that cannot go overlooked, which is why I proudly sit on the Board of Directors for the Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies (C.A.R.E.).From October 1, 2020... Read More.

Warner Bros. says “Joker” is not an endorsement of violence

Aurora, Colorado — Warner Bros. issued a statement Tuesday commenting on the controversy surrounding the film "Joker," years after a mass shooting during a "Batman" movie in Colorado in 2012. Family members of mass shooting victims have raised concerns about the film.Tina Marie Coon... Read More.