Current Weather

Burn Ban In Effect For DeSoto County

May 29, 2024 Due to dry weather conditions over an extensive period resulting in a high drought index rating, the Desoto County Board of County Commissioners has approved a burn ban for the county to take effect...

Burn Ban Has Been Lifted In DeSoto County

DeSoto County, FL Burn Ban has been lifted. Please be safe and use caution when burning outdoors.Yard Waste Burning: You may burn yard waste as long as... ~~You meet the...

Gov. Ron DeSantis Extends Ban On Evictions

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has extended the statewide moratorium on evictions through July 1. The former ban was scheduled to end at 12:01 a.m. June 2.DeSantis issued the 45 day suspension on evictions and foreclosures...