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Mark In The Morning
Mark In The Morning
7:00am - 10:00am

DeSantis Removes Local COVID-19 Emergency Orders

St. Petersburg, Fla. – Governor Ron DeSantis was joined by local legislators and small business owners in St. Petersburg yesterday where he signed Senate Bill (SB) 2006, landmark legislation aimed at stemming the tide of local and state government overreach.The bill takes aim...

Florida ID Now Needed For Covid-19 Vaccine

State Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees issued a Public Health Advisory Thursday January 21st,  prioritizing Florida residents for the Covid-19 Vaccines. Gov. Ron DeSantis said publicly that the shots should be reserved for part-time or full-time residents of the Sunshine State.In his order, Rivkees...

Publix To Begin Offering COVID-19 Vaccine

Publix will soon offer COVID-19 vaccinations in 105 stores across 12 counties in Florida.Those who are 65 and older can receive the vaccines by appointment only and at no cost. Those with health insurance need...

DeSoto Memorial Temporarily Suspends Covid-19 Vaccines

Due to the limited supply of doses provided by the State of Florida and the overwhelming response from our community the DeSoto Memorial is temporarily suspending appointments for the COVID-19 vaccination.  Individuals who have previously called and are on the waiting list will...


COVID-19 VACCINATION TO BEGIN IN DESOTO COUNTY - PRIORITY GROUPS (65+) The Florida Department of Health in DeSoto County will be offering doses of the Moderna vaccine to seniors age 65 and older beginning Wednesday, January 6, at 9:00 a.m. The County has a limited supply of...

DeSoto Covid19 Outbreak Points To Correctional Institution

More than 200 infections in DeSoto County in November 2020 have been sourced to the DeSoto Correctional Institution. According to the DeSoto County’s Emergency Management Agency contact tracing information reached the result. The Department of Health for COVID-19 contact tracing notified the agency.

8 Charlotte County Inmates Test Positive for COVID-19

Charlotte County Sheriffs Office Media Release Charlotte County, FL-Since the very beginning of the pandemic, the Charlotte County Jail has put the health of inmates and staff at the very peak of importance. Extensive cleaning and sanitizing procedures take place daily as well as temperature checks...

Governor Ron DeSantis Provides Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

Tallahassee, Fla. – Governor Ron DeSantis provided an update on Florida’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan, including details on the state’s initial allocation of 179,400 doses of the Pfizer vaccine.Text from Governor DeSantis’ video message as delivered is provided below:Hi, I’m Governor Ron DeSantis. This week...

DeSantis Unchanged On Covid-19 Approach

Florida – Despite coronavirus cases surging nationwide and more and more governors turning to more stringent health measures, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to remain unchanged on his long-held strategy: No mask mandates, few...

DeSoto County Sees Surge In Covid-19 Cases

DeSoto County is seeing increases in COVID-19 cases and in hospitalizations.According to the Florida Department of Health, Miami-Dade and DeSoto County have the state's highest rates of new coronavirus cases.The two counties have the state’s highest rates of new coronavirus cases out of...