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DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office to Host National Night Out

DeSoto County Sheriff's Office to Host National Night OutArcadia, FL – The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office (DCSO) invites the community to join them for their annual National Night Out event on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 3:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The event will...

National Safe Boating Week is May 18-24

National Safe Boating Week kicks off the summer boating season as an annual reminder for boaters to prioritize safety while enjoying recreational activities on Florida’s beautiful waterways. Florida is recognized as “The Boating Capital of the World” and leads the nation with over 1...

National Police Week May 12 thru May 18, 2024

National Police Week 2024 National Police Week begins Sunday, May 12, 2024 and ends Saturday, May 18, 2024. Peace Officers Memorial Day is Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Police Week provides everyone the opportunity to recognize and show appreciation for the sacrifices police officers make and their...

DeSoto County To Hold National Day Of Prayer

Desoto County Government A prayer meeting will be held for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday May 2nd, 2024 in our BOCC Boardroom at 201 E Oak St Suite #103, Arcadia, FL 34266Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PMEveryone is welcome!The National Day of Prayer is an...

National FFA SAE Grants — Due Wednesday

National FFA SAE Grants — Due WEDNESDAYCould you or an FFA member in your life use some FREE MONEY for an SAE project? FFA is the premier youth organization preparing members for leadership...

National Drug Take Back Day A Success

The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office along with Walgreens in Arcadia, teamed up with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration for National Prescription Drug Takeback Day, and the results are in! ???? Our DCSO Narcotics Unit collected a whopping 23 pounds of unused medication at...

DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office National Night Out October 3rd

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